My academic focus is on the nexus between mental health, individual behaviour and economic outcomes, and its institutional context. My research bridges economics with psychiatry and genetic studies.
Recent publications and conference presentations
Leader of Research Projects
Individual Behaviour and Economic Performance (IBEP) (Horizon 2020 Grant No. 952574: 2020-2023, EUR 900 th), led by Tallinn University of Technology in consortium with Aalto University, University of Helsinki and Tel Aviv University; Success Story of European Union funded research
Institutions for Knowledge Intensive Development (IKID) (Horizon 2020 Grant No. 734712: 2017-2021, EUR 1.3 mill), led by Tallinn University of Technology in consortium with the University of Lausanne and South-East Asian partner universities; Success Story of European Union funded research
Towards the Knowledge Economy: Incentives, Regulation and Capital Allocation (Estonian Research Agency personal grant PUT315, 2014-2017, EUR 146 th)
Supervising of doctoral students and postdocs
Chair of the ECEE Conference & Summer School series
15 years of international conference and summer school series Evolving Challenges in European Economies (ECEE), organised by the Department of Economics and Finance at Tallinn University of Technology in collaboration with Eesti Pank (Central Bank of Estonia) and US based academic associations

15 years of the ECEE conference series recognised with the 2022 Conference of the Year award as the most innovative conference in Estonia
Courses taught and developed:
1) Economic Thought & Methodology (PhD course, Tallinn University of Technology)
2) Development Economics (Berlin Humboldt University summer school course at the University of Havana)
3) Economic Development and Institutions (Master course, Tallinn University of Technology)
4) Applied Economic Analysis (Master/Bachelor course, Tallinn University of Technology)
5) Empirical Research Methodology (Bachelor course, Tallinn University of Technology)
Guest lectures at the University of Lausanne (Switzerland), University of Helsinki (Finland), Stockholm University (Sweden) and numerous other universities worldwide
Study Program Director (2014-2019)
Bachelor / Master in Applied Economics at Tallinn University of Technology, developed from 2016-2019 in cooperation with the University of Helsinki, Stockholm University and KTH under support from:

Applied studies and consultancy
Leader of the Economic Analysis Work Package of the project Climate Change Mitigation with CCS and CCU Technologies (ClimMit) (RiTa Grant No. RITA1/02-20: 2019-2021, EUR 0.9 mill), led by Tallinn University of Technology in consortium with the University of Tartu
Team leader/member in PwC Advisors (1998-2014) of over 150 international and domestic projects for investors, companies and governments, incl. economic impact analysis and modelling, due diligence, crisis management and forensic investigations, regulatory compliance analyses and expert opinions in court cases
Aaro Hazak
Faculty of Medicine
University of Helsinki
Välskärinkatu 12
Helsinki 00014
Phone: +3726204050 (Assistant)
Department of Economics and Finance
Tallinn University of Technology
Akadeemia tee 3
Tallinn 12618